Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our Youth Group...

A few years back, Norm and I thought we were finished working with youth. We did that and were really looking forward to working with seniors (old people), the normal progression, we figured. Of course, we did all this planning without consulting the Lord. He had other things in mind and here we are working with a great group of young people. We are blessed to spend a few minutes with them every Tuesday and Thursday morning before they go off to school. Thier faith in the Lord Jesus Christ lifts us and always makes for a great day. They are faithful and determined in their own faith and a witness to our entire church.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Norm is so crafty...

This is a former climbing rope. We have had this rope for quite some time now. I was sitting in the climbing office at Devil's Tower a few years back when Michael, one of our climbing rangers, asked if I wanted to go with him and find an abandoned rope that some visitor reported? "You bet!" So we scouted around the area for a while and found it. I'm not sure why anyone would leave a rope, as they are pretty pricey, but their loss turned into our rug. Michael told me never to use it for climbing, so I cut about a twenty foot length off to use for practice in tying knots ( which I need a lot of practice on). The rope hung in our shed till now. When we got back from our trip, Norm had enough of this rope hanging around and promptly turned it into a rug. She used a large amount of duct tape and some Elmer's glue. I think it turned out real well.

Friday, September 10, 2010

And just like that, it was over...

Camp site # 14 in Flagstaff Arizona. We had a great time walking around down town and swallowed down some good grub.
This is the burn area where we worked in July helping clean up. We took the time to drive through some of the harder hit areas. Some houses showed dramatic improvement and sadly, some looked the same or worse.
This is what being a good sport and having a good sense of humor looks like (see the photo below).
After driving over 3,000 miles on some of the worse road conditions this truck has ever seen, we have a catastrophic tire failure on a very nice highway not far from our house on our way to our daughter, Julie's house. Sadly, we had to limp back home and leave the next day.
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Our last day in Goblin Valley...

This random plant was growing in the middle of no where, with nothing else around it.

After completing our last hike, we were driving back to camp and Norm looked to her right and asked me 'Is that someone on top of that truck?' and of course I agreed with her. It turned out to be two young couples that were camping and accidentally left their truck lights on and their battery was dead. Being sure I had jumper cables and tearing everything from the back of the truck, I realized the cables were in the trunk of the Model T back in Arizona. So we gave one of the guys a lift to the visitor center to borrow a set. On the way we passed this vehicle stuck in the muck. It was not there when Norm and I drove in and she could not stop laughing about it for some reason. I guess it has something to do with mud, which she never seems to pass up when hiking or riding. Well, we just got to the top of the next hill and there were the owners of the truck walking toward the V.C. all sunburned and hot. So we stopped and gave them a ride the rest of the way and when we got there, Norm apologized for making fun of their truck, in between more laughter. It is not often that you get a chance to help another person, let alone two in one day! It was a great way to wrap up our time in Goblin Valley.
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Random Items...

Many people wonder how we can stay in the cargo trailer. As you can see, it is very cosy. There is a place for everything. This looking in through the two rear doors. I tell everyone that it is a work in progress.
It may look like chaos and cluttered, but we had a good system going after a few days.
We are not sure if someone actually put the pine tree in the compost toilet as a joke or hoping beyond hope that it would actually improve the smell. We can tell you from first person experience, it did not!
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

If this looks familar...

We do not know for sure, but someone told us that the movie "Galaxy Quest" was filmed on location here.

After this much thinking, studying, and contemplating, I should be much wiser.
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Goblin Valley, Utah...

It almost seemed that we had to hike through tight spaces on every hike. This is really down in the drainage on the trail to goblin valley.

This was our last hike, so we sat on a big rock with a big drop off, basking in the Sun.
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Goblin Valley...

I think I was looking for something to eat.
If we look like we are having a good time, your right!
These goblins were so much fun, Norm could not help pointing out how the goblins all looked like some item or animal.
This goblin looked just like a throne. So, my Queen took her place on it!
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Camp food...

A lot of people are curious about what we eat while travelling. Some people think we eat at restaurants all the time. Nothing could be further from the truth, as you can see. We cooked our own meals for almost three weeks before giving in to one of Ray' s burgers.

I think we picked this melon up while travelling through the southeastern corner of Colorado. Lots of good produce are grown there.
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Little Wildhorse Canyon part 5...

This looks strange in the photograph, but it is solid rock we found in the canyon.

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