Friday, June 13, 2008


This guy was in our yard right by my feet as I was getting directions from Norm about cutting branches off our tree. The only reason I knew he was there, I heard him crawling around. I could have stepped on him! We think this is a bull snake about six feet long. From the colors, it looks like two different snakes.
A large area of the desert is gone to developers. This used to be pristine desert and now it is all built up with dirt for houses and a golf course.
Norm in top form blasting through the Hassayampa river.
One of the largest lizards we have seen out in the desert.
We had a lot of reptile encounters on our visit. Not sure what type he is, but he stayed long enough for me to get the photo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't tell us you went riding? Not fair....too bad the snake didnt' bite you!