Thursday, June 12, 2008


We took a road trip to Congress Arizona and than on to Mesa to bask in the sun and heat (plenty of both). It was a great time as we always look for different ways to go so we can see more of our country. This is Oak Creek Canyon on our way to Congress by way of Sedona. It was a fun drive in a car as you can see by the road. Really tough for anything other than a small RV.
They had a nice walk way with good views. There were also lots of Native Americans selling some cool handmade (I think) stuff.
Norm enjoyed the scenery and the mild weather. Just a little on the cool side for me, perfect for her.
I think the road is down there somewhere. Maybe?
A lot of rock formations, too many to shoot them all. They were mostly outside of Sedona, where we found some fine BBQ for lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Hey those are good pics. That is a pretty place!
