Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Chain! Norm here...

Okay, here we are climbing back up the 80 ft. chain. Dave is making it look like a piece of cake.
Me on the other hand, am making it look and sound, not a very lady like sound either, as hard as it really was.

I'm telling you folks, this was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. All in all other than falling and rolling some of the way down, bringing home some nice bruises, the climb back up was easier, I think. Correction, other then not being able to breath, thought I was going to croak, (Dave thought I was going to croak), climbing back up was easier. But none the less, it was a great hike. I think we all take the beauty of God's creation for granted sometimes. Take a moment today and look at that beauty around you, and be very thankful. We are.

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