Wednesday, August 27, 2008

North Rim...

Some of these views are from the drive to the north rim by way of back tracking on highway 50 east bound, and than turning north on to highway 92. Highway 92 is a great drive with the maximum speed being around thirty miles per hour. Lot's of twists and turns. Norm had to take some motion sickness pills for the first time. She just can't sit and look straight ahead on a road like this one. Way to many awesome views. We drove past the turn to the north rim for a trip into Crawford Colorado for some supplies. Crawford is a real nice little town, but sadly, not for supplies. We headed back toward the road to the north rim with only a bag of ice. We could not find any type of food other than packaged stuff. Another eleven miles down the road for a real grocery store. We decided that the food we had left would have to do.

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