Wednesday, September 3, 2008

North Rim trail...

Norm tells me that is a long, long way to the bottom. I believe her.
Norm took this shot with me having a death grip on her waist line. This, and the photo above was taken from a place called "Exclamation Point." I'm sure that there is a variety of exclamation's when you first look over. This particular area is a group of rocks that stick out and you can actually see the canyon in a different and scary way.
Us having a really great time, even being without a shower for three days. It's a good thing we really like each other.
Most of the trail was marked by these piles of rocks called carins. The park did not spend too much on markers for many of the areas we visited.
This is a juniper tree that we saw on the North Vista Trail. The tree looks totally dead at the bottom and about half way up, but is all green at the top. The tree does this in times of draught to preserve it's self. This trail climbs eight hundred feet in elevation and the views make the effort worth it.

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