Monday, September 22, 2008

Oklahoma History Center....

This Indy car is from the fortieth running of the Indianapolis 500 race. A fellow from Oklahoma won in this car.
The 2 upper outlaws look like they don't have a clue. I think Norm looks a bit better then I do, but neither of us look as bad as the fellow in the lower right. This truck would come to your house and fix your radio.
We have been thinking about getting a new tent for our truck, so we looked this one over very closely.
This past Saturday Norm and I picked up our friend Rob, and headed off to visit the Oklahoma History Center, located near the state capitol. The center covers eighteen acres, including a 215,000 square foot learning center. We found it very interesting, informative, and at five dollars per person, a bargain also. It included five Smithsonian-quality interior galleries and outdoor exhibits, along with the Gemini Seven space capsule. The three of us stood in front of the capsule trying to figure out how two men could live in such a small place for two weeks. How could they go to the bathroom was Norm's big question. The other thing that struck us was the construction of the space ship itself. Up close, it looked like a regular Joe could have built it with a little help from a do it yourself book from Home Depot. Regular screws, thin sheet metal, and what looks like foam covering the bottom. We spent three solid hours at the center and it was not near enough to take it all in. The web site, has plenty of good information if you are interested.

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