Friday, October 10, 2008

Road trip...

No, that is not a can of beer in Norm's hand. She would never drink a beer when she could have a V8!
Leo wanted to go with us on our road trip to Pennsylvania, but he couldn't find his riding boots or his helmet.
We kept forgetting to get a balloon, so Norm made one. She is so creative!
Left to right is Norm, my Mom, her cousin Dodie, her husband Ken and my step-Dad Bob, the reason we made a fast trip to the keystone state. The doctors are still not sure what happened, but Bob seems to be recovering well, thanks to many prayers and good doctors. As usual, the weather to and from Pennsylvania was fine, our two weeks there contained just two nice days. The rest of the days were raining, drizzling, fogging and just for good measure, one day we woke to twenty-nine degrees. On the two nice days we managed to replace air conditioners with storm windows, do yard work and a number of odd tasks. Just some random thoughts about driving across the country. So far this year we have driven from Oklahoma to Arizona twice and Oklahoma to Pennsylvania twice. By far, Oklahoma has the worse roads, even the ones you have to pay to drive on are in a sorry state. Driving from Pennsylvania west on I70, the speed limit is 65 mph. Enter West Virginia where the road is just as filled with turns and hills, the limit goes up to 70 mph. Ohio comes next where the road starts to straighten out, speed returns to 65. The two "I" states, Indiana and Illinois, I can't remember which have the exact same type of roads, straight and flat, not Kansas straight and flat, but close. One "I" state is 70 mph and the other is 65 mph. Huh! I really did not make notes for accurate facts, but I think Missouri has the most variety of fast food chicken places. Of course, we could tell we were back in Oklahoma by the 25 mph wind blowing to welcome us.


  1. very good Dave, great picture. Mom

  2. NIce pic of mom cruising!

  3. The old "hide the brewsky in the V8 can" trick works every time!

    Windy in OK? Hard to believe.

