Monday, November 17, 2008


Now that I have some free time on my hands, I thought I would try doing some things in the kitchen. It seems that my Dad and my Father-in-law both started cooking and baking more after they retired and so I will try to keep the tradition going. There are so many more options to investigate in food as compared to building something or working in the shed. The big difference is cost. It is much cheaper to get some food items, or ingredients (these items are probably all ready at hand) and try to whip up something that could be consumed by humans, as opposed to having to buy wood or parts to build or modify a machine. The cookies are gingerbread cookies made with Grandma's brand molasses (recipe on the jar). Everyone that tried them said they were good. I hope they were not just being kind.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure some were kind...haha... I remember eggs that were the shape of the pan when I was younger....
