Monday, May 31, 2010

Captain Humbert Roque (Rocky) Versace...

He stood as others dream to stand; He spoke as others dared not even think;                                                                                                            From soul deep faith, he drew his courage, his granite spirit, his ironclad will.

The Alien force, applied with hate, could not break him, failed to bend him;
Though solitary imprisonment gave him no friends, he drew upon his inner self to create a force so strong
 that those who sought to destroy his will, met an army his to command.
 Phrases of his I shall not forget, spoken sincerely, filled with truth:
  All I wish is to return to family, home and those I love; For I am young and life is dear,
  but to bargain for this life of mine when the price you ask requires of me to verify a lie
 and sell my honor short, makes clear the choice between the two;
 a life with honor, a life without; With me, you see, life without is no life at all,
 so I will not comply with what you require and choose to suffer whatever may come.
 This is my answer at this time, this is my answer in times to come;
 I only pray that I shall not weaken, for I am right and with God's help, I will have strength to
 resist whatever means you use while attempting to fulfill your evil scheme.
Thus his fate was surely sealed, for such a man, standing firm defeated them on their own ground and for him to live and tell of this thing that could not be. I saw him not the day he died, for, I imagine, as he lived alone; But in my mind there is no doubt, as he stood while he was alive, Duty bound, Honor bound, Unswerving in allegiance, so he stood the day he died....a Rock.

Lieutenant Colonel James N. Rowe

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