Friday, July 30, 2010

What has happened...

They will give the sense of every article of the constitution, that may from time to time come before them. And in their decisions they will not confine themselves to any fixed or established rules, but will determine, according to what appears to them, the reason and spirit of the constitution. The opinions of the supreme court, whatever they may be, will have the force of law; because there is no power provided in the constitution, that can correct the errors, or control their adjudications. From this court there is no appeal... When there is nothing in the constitution expressly against it? and they are authorized to construe its meaning, and are not under any control? This power in the judicial, will enable them to mold the government, into almost any shape they please... Perhaps nothing could have been better conceived to facilitate the abolition of the state governments than the constitutional of the judicial.....Robert Yates, Federalist Papers, 1787.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This body is a Temple...

Take a close look at this guy. Perfect posture from God. Flexible muscles, perfect height to weight ratio, consumes only the food he needs without advice from a diet and nutrition book. This guy doesn't have to be told to exercise and knows what works and what does not. He is searching for his good spot to dive into the water and use his fast and slow twitch muscle groups. He gets plenty of good stress free sleep, deep natural sleep and wakes without the aid of an alarm clock. I read in the paper yesterday a quote from a cancer doctor, he said, "YOU WILL ONLY LIVE AS LONG AS YOU ARE STRONG." This guy is getting a good start for that!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Doney Park, Flagstaff Arizona...

Norm is on channel 3 TV, live! That could have been a scary thing, but we heard she did a good job and looked good. I know that though!
Norm referred to the camera man as the camera dude. He got a chuckle out of that. The news lady seemed very nice, but I never did get her name.
The homeowner in the back ground of this shot is one of the people we were trying to help in the Doney park area. This community was five miles from the location of the fire. Norm visited this home on Thursday  morning and the yard was just muddy. All of the water came late in the afternoon. I have noticed one item that is common with all of these photographs, Norm's mouth is always open (Did I write that or just think it?)
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Friday, July 23, 2010

DR day 1 continued...

This truck has more bowling ball sized rocks under it.

This is the driveway to the house in the above shot.
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DR, day 1...

The county is calling this the Shultz Flood #1 Incident. This is not a very good picture, but that is the burn area on the side of those mountains. The locals tell us that they are not regular made mountains, they are mountains made from volcano's. Which is where all the boulders came from that we would encounter later in the day. This is the view from the fire station that we would be spending more time than we wanted to at.

These strange looking things are called straw waddles, but Norm could not remember that name so she called them straw noodles for most of the day. These were all gone by lunch time and a second load did not come in till late in the afternoon.
This person was not home (house off to the left) so all we could do was take a picture. Her neighbor said she had a motor home and left in it. Shortly after this the rain came along with a flash flood warning se we headed back to the fire house for a few hour delay.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We Respond...

This is one of our neighbors. We are in Flagstaff Arizona staying in a hotel for a 0700 meeting tomorrow to represent the Arizona Southern Baptist Disaster Relief response to floods. Our drive up was complete with a slow down from an accident, heavy rain, blinding lightening and a tree fire near Munds park. We should have some good work to do here, and hope to represent the Lord by doing our best.
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Health and Fitness...

"Theodore you have the mind but you have not the body, and without the help of the body the mind cannot go as far as it should."     Theodore Roosevelt's Father

Monday, July 12, 2010


It was so big it took me three shots to get all the showroom in.

I think this is the bike that Malcolm used for the beach riding scene from the movie.
I have no idea why they had this car at the shop, but Norm liked it and you know what that means. I believe the front of the car is the only door. Looking closely, the handle can be seen next to the head lamp on the left.
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A special treat...

This Malcolm Smith Motorsports located about two miles from where we stayed. That is me in front of 80,000 square feet of two wheeled fun. Growing up I watched a movie called 'On Any Sunday' that featured Steve McQueen, Mert Lawill and a guy named Malcolm Smith who could do just about anything on a motorcycle. When my son got old enough he enjoyed the film also. I still don't know how it happened, but Malcolm raced in some off road races that Paul and I rode in while racing enduros in the mid nineties.
Norm says, "I want this one!"

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Youth camp day 5...

Deanna came forward the second night and rededicated her life to the Lord and just to make it all complete, she asked to be baptized. Jerome is asking her if Jesus Christ is her personal Savior.
Deanna said "Yes" and Jerome dunked her.
We were all so happy! The youth group behind the camera and Deanna had such a big smile all week.
Norm told me to take a picture of that tree. So I laid on the ground and could still not get it all in.
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Youth camp day 5....

Norm and a really nice guy named Matt posing for a shot in between paint jobs.
Norm was the Queen of the clean paint brush and roller.
The kids got together and purchased flowers and mulch for the home owner. They asked Norm for advice on how to plant them.
The finished product! It really looks a lot better now compared to when we first saw it on Monday. Norm also mulched the potted plants which made them look better.
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Youth Camp day 5...

I got a parking ticket on campus. It says that I took up four parking spaces with my truck. I think that has to be a record or something that deserves an award.
Pulling out from Liberty, our view was the same everyday. We sat in the same seat and if a kid was sitting in it, Norm just told them if she didn't sit up front. she would hurl! No problems after that.
From left to right some of our gang, Bailey, who is carny-like small complete with tiny hands and feet, but she can really run fast for someone so short. Hidden behind Bailey, I don't know how that is possible, but you can hardly see Heather. Dressed in purple is Alexandria who is quiet and confident, planning her next stunt to pull on some unsuspecting person. Next is Stocker, our minor celebrity, winning the coveted 'Mr. Zona' title. Lots of female fans requesting pictures. On the right is the man himself, our fearless leader, the best Youth pastor in Arizona, and the best redneck that Norm and I know, Jerome.
Deanna, Thomas and Josh are pulling off some sort of stunt. I'm not sure but I think Josh has some calf rope in his hand.
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Youth Camp day 4...

Our group is getting ready to do something, probably paint.
On the left is the Youth Pastor, Mike from Liberty and on the right is a news guy. We got coverage from print and TV.
I rode up front everyday, so I guess this is what it would have looked like if I had turned around.
Norm and I look like we could go another couple of hours, but we are beat!
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