Friday, July 23, 2010

DR, day 1...

The county is calling this the Shultz Flood #1 Incident. This is not a very good picture, but that is the burn area on the side of those mountains. The locals tell us that they are not regular made mountains, they are mountains made from volcano's. Which is where all the boulders came from that we would encounter later in the day. This is the view from the fire station that we would be spending more time than we wanted to at.

These strange looking things are called straw waddles, but Norm could not remember that name so she called them straw noodles for most of the day. These were all gone by lunch time and a second load did not come in till late in the afternoon.
This person was not home (house off to the left) so all we could do was take a picture. Her neighbor said she had a motor home and left in it. Shortly after this the rain came along with a flash flood warning se we headed back to the fire house for a few hour delay.
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