Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yuma, day 6...

I have failed to mention that the city of Yuma Fire Department has given us lunch everyday we have been here and also have provided us with back up chain saws and repair help. We even got home made cookies delivered to our work site this morning (thanks Kayla). Kneeling in front is Martin on the right and Les on the left, back row right to left is Mark, Don (our man for everything we need, even a plumber) Norm and me in front of city hall after enjoying a good meal.
We all really enjoyed helping this man, a retired fire fighter, a real hero in a world that needs hero's.
This tree is much bigger than it appears!
Don working on one of the saws. There never seems to be an end to some task that is required of these saws. They are like a bunch of toddlers, they require constant attention and supervision.
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1 comment:

  1. You guys are doing a great job and sharing the Good News also! I pray for your safety, and may God bless you and your families!
