Monday, March 22, 2010

Finally, a nice day...

If you have ever seen the movie, 'Food Inc', you know what this is. If you have not, this is a feed lot. Someone gave them a fancy sounding name, but I can't remember what it is. This a good sized one, but I have seen bigger, in Colorado and Nebraska. For the reader, fortunately, you cannot smell it, which depending on which way the wind is blowing, is brutal. The only time they smell worse than normal is when it is raining. That smell is hard to describe.
This is the 'Cadillac Ranch' just off Route 66. We always say we are going to stop and this as close as we get to stopping. Some people we talk to are disappointed after walking all the way out there. I'm not sure what they expected. I think it is junkyard art, but I am no art critic.
This is the world's largest cross. It should be, it is in Texas.
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