Friday, March 19, 2010

The Results!!!

After going five miles in two hours, getting stuck on a half of a degree hill (that is being generous in the angle) and being towed by a vintage 1980 Ford pickup truck, I arrived in this Smiths Foods parking lot where I spent the night shivering in a sleeping bag. I was never so glad to be parked. I promptly reported to the night manager, that I was spending the next eight hours parked in his lot. I soon had lots of company parked all over. Both the night and day manager were very kind and now Smiths is my favorite food store on the move. The real upside was that they had a Starbucks coffee shop inside!
What you cannot tell from the photo is about four inches of sloppy wet slush everywhere. When you are towing your only home, I cannot tell you how stressful it was. Every time I applied the brakes I expected the trailer to come up beside me. Not owning a snow or ice scraper, I used a piece of PVC pipe to remove most of the snow. Twenty four hours later I will be using my Flying J frequent fueler card to scrape ice from the truck.
I just stood there wondering, how I could be here.
Posted by PicasaSunrise on my second day. Leaving New Mexico and about to enter west Texas. If you look real close you can see the solid ice that covered the entire truck. I think I found the best use for any credit card.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a real good reason for driving from Arizona to Oklahoma in March!

    It's hard enough to justify the drive in June.

